The controversial issue of allowing for same sex civil unions was discussed at length during a town hall meeting held at the Agat Mayor's Office.  Deacon Frank Tenorio proclaimed, "The direction of this is going to hell!  Famagounhu (my children)!" Another island resident said, "My family accepts me for who I am, and that's all that matters to me."
It's clear Bill 138 has created a divide in the community.  The legislation was introduced by Vice-Speaker BJ Cruz as the request of the Guam Youth Congress. Last night's town hall meeting in Agat was sponsored by the youth group and led by its speaker, Derick Hills, who said, "96% of our body voted in favor of legalizing this legislation therefore passing it on by law to the Committee on Youth in the Guam Legislature to take under advisement and introduce it into the Guam Legislature as legislation."
The legislation would legalize same-sex civil unions on Guam.  It would ensure that same-sex couples would have the same rights and responsibilities of married couples allowed under Guam law.  "There's so much leverage that same-sex couples do not have," Hills explained.  "The only respect they're asking for is to have the same benefits and rights that any individual that is in a heterosexual partnership has."
But with Guam's predominantly Catholic population, it was inevitable that religion would be brought up during last night's discussion.  "Do you know what is marriage? It is a divine union you take away god what you have there won't be any heaven for you or for me," said Deacon Tenorio.  A supporter of the legislation, a woman, stated, "I became from a man and woman [sic], but you know what?  That man walked out on me.  My mother believe as long as I learned to love, then that's all that matters.  I believe in God, I grew up believing in God, God told me to love, love with my heart, and that's what I'm doing."
Vice-Speaker Cruz closed last night's emotional meeting by commending the Guam Youth Congress for having the guts to bring the issue of same-sex civil unions to the forefront.  "I'm embarrassed as a member of the Legislature that we didn't do this first," he said, "because we should be the ones that have the pulse and understand what's going on."
Cruz added that amendments will be made to Bill 138 to address the concerns raised during lat night's town meeting or the entire issue could be put up for a referendum for the people to decide whether or not to allow same-sex civil unions on Guam.