Guam - Lawmakers meanwhile presented a copy of Resolution 275 to the visiting Japanese delegation this afternoon. The measure presents the sentiments of the people to our nation's leaders regarding the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. 

The resolution includes testimony received two weeks ago during the 30th Guam Legislature's recent interactive town hall meetings.

Senator Rory Respicio on the floor this afternoon said, "The Legislature, on behalf of the people of Guam, affirm that the six essential elements l of compliance that we want favorable resolution in planning for buildup specifically, land, dredging, physical and mental healthcare, impact on buildup on social and cultural institutions infrastructure upgrades and pollution control without resolution this buildup will be held in abeyance and no action be taken no action."

Senator Respicio on the floor said he is hoping Congresswoman Bordallo along with the governor support the resolution so that the island presents one unified response to the feds on the DEIS. The deadline to submit a comment is February 17.

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