Lawmakers to head into session Monday
Guam - The Legislature's Committee on Rules met this morning and have finalized the agenda for next week's Legislative Session. At least 20 bills and resolutions will be discussed.
Here's the list:
-Substitute Bill 103: An act to Amend §51207 of 10GCA relative for doubling the penalties for littering for violators that discard cigarettes from vehicles when the fire danger rating is high.
-Bill 159: An Act to add a new Chapter 90A to Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Prohibition of Importing Ingestible Tobacco Film Strips, Ingestible Tobacco Sticks, Tobacco Hard Candies, Nicotine Lollipops, Nicotine Lip Balm, and Nicotine Water.
-Resolution 160: Relative to requesting the United States Congress to acknowledge the sacrifices of the people of Guam and to grant Guam full voting rights in the United States House of Representatives for all matters relating to and affecting Guam and the military buildup on Guam and for hearings to be conducted on Guam on legislation that relate to and affect Guam and the military buildup on Guam.
-Substitute Bill 162: An act to add a new Article 2 to Chapter 20 of 8GCA relative to the creation of an Online Warrant Repository.
-Bill 187: An act to zone the previously unzoned lot number 2436-7 in the Municipality of Mangilao to Heavy Industrial (M-2) zone.
-Bill 269: An Act To Amend § 1033 Of Chapter 10, Title 1, Guam Code Annotated; Relative To Including The Guam Ko΄Ko΄ Road Race As Part Of The Guam-Micronesian Island Fair, And To Provide For Support From The Guam Police Department And Guam Fire Department.
-Substitute Bill 272: An act relative to the division of Environmental Health of the Public Health & Social Services; to amend §6229 of, and add a new §6233 - §6233.12 and §6234 to, Article 2, Chapter 6 of Title 4 Guam Code Annotated; to amend §20121 of, and add a new §20122 and §20123 to, Chapter 20 of Title 10 Guam Code Annotated; and to amend §7119 of Chapter 7 of Title 22 Guam Code Annotated.
-Substitute Bill 304: An act to include the Criminal Investigation Supervisor, Tax Investigators, and Assistant Tax Investigators of the Department of Revenue and Taxation in the compensation of Public Safety and Law Enforcement Officers by amending Sections 3 and 4 of Public Law 29-105; and to make appropriations to fund said compensation.
-Substitute Bill 305: An Act to add a new Chapter 85A to Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, Relative to creating the Guam Masters Award to Recognize Master Practitioners of Guam's Traditional and Folk Arts.
-Bill 316: An act to add new definitions (j), (k), and (jj) to §1102 of Chapter 1, Title 16; to add a new §3102.2, §3102.3, §3102.4 to Chapter 3, Title 16, to add a new §6233 of Article 2, Chapter 6, Title 4; all of Guam Code Annotated relative to establishing charges and compensation for Department of Revenue and Taxation examiners who perform off-duty examinations.
-Bill 320: An act to amend §8501, §8502(2)(c) and §8312 of Chapter 8, 12 Guam Code Annotated relative to net metering.
-Resolution 340 (Consent Calendar): Relative to adding a new Section (29.04.05) to ‘Rule XXIX. Code of Ethics and Standards for the Legislative Branch,' of Mina'Trenta Na Liheslaturan Guåhan Otden Areklamento.
-Bill 349: An act to add a new §80105 (c) the Chapter 80 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the transfer of properties under the jurisdiction of the Port Authority of Guam to the jurisdiction of the Guam Ancestral Lands Commission.
-Bill 350: An Act To Repeal Section 30106 (c) Of Chapter 30, Title 11 of the Guam Code Annotated relative to exemptions from hotel occupancy tax.
-Substitute Bill 351: An act to add a new Article 3 of Chapter 36 to title 18, Guam Code Annotated and to add a new item (5) to §10104(a) of Chapter 10, Title 5 Guam Code Annotated; relative to the establishment of a secure and fair enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act.
-Bill 358: An act to amend §18114 of Chapter 18 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated relative to the eligibility and qualification for reciprocity under the barbering and Cosmetology Act of 2000.
-Bill 359: An Act to Add a Sub Item (a) to § 76212 of Article 2, Chapter 76 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated; to prohibit the transfer of all prehistoric and historic properties, antiquities, and objects owned by the people of Guam or in the inventory of the government of Guam, without legislative concurrence.
-Bill 360An act to add a new Subsection to §7160 and §7161 of Chapter 7, Title 16GCA, and to §51506, Chapter 51, Title 10 GCA and to amend §7120.2(e) Of Chapter 7, Title 16 GCA as amended by P. L. 30-115 relative to the motor vehicle registration and license plate fees for veterans rated at a 100% disability or individual unemployability.
-Bill 370: An act to amend §60112 Article 1, Division 2 of Chapter 60, 21 Guam Code Annotated relative to the Land for the Landless Program.
-Bill 371An act to amend Section 11 of Public Law 30-101 relative to the appropriation to the Guam Veterans Affairs Office. Received: 4/13/10 - 3:48 p.m.
Session has been scheduled to begin next week Monday, April 26 at 9am.