Prospective firefighters assessed
by Nick Delgado
Guam - It's not a fire academy, but an opportunity for those in the community to get the training to become a firefighter when they start hiring. Today the Guam Fire Department hosted a physical agility exam for those looking to one day become a firefighter.
GFD Spokesperson Joey San Nicolas said, "This is basically four events that are consistent with fire ground operations a typical firefighter would be doing at a fire scene. The four events consist of a hose drag, ladder operations, bundle carry, as well as a rescue drag," he explained.
GFD fielded at least 24 applicants per hour today who took the physical test. San Nicolas stresses though this is not a GFD or Department of Administration fire academy. It does not guarantee a job with the agency or military and federal fire departments. Those who pass today's physical agility test will then take an entrance written exam at the Guam Community College.
As a result of American Reinvestment and Recovery Act funding provided to Public Health, GCC cc has 30 slots open for those wanting to be trained as a firefighter.
Victor Rogers is GCC's assistant director for continuing education and workforce development, and said, "Normally you hire people then you train we're actually training folks so that when an opportunity opens up they're ready to take advantage of it."
Another physical agility test will be held at the Astumbo Fire Station in Dededo all day tomorrow.