Guam - Lawmakers said their last goodbyes during the final session for the 30th Guam Legislature. Senators worked late last night to pass 21 bills. Senators exhausted the voting file passing measures such as Bill 492, which would distribute additional COLA award payments for certificates of claim issued and authorize the sale of general obligation promissory notes for payments to COLA awardees.

Bill 482, which would establish an open process in healthcare insurance negotiations for GovGuam employees and retirees as well as Bill 149 (The Bottle Bill), which would establish a beverage container recycling deposit fund, were also passed.

Meantime, senators Judi Guthertz and Ben Pangelinan gave closing remarks about how the Senate removing Guam war claims from the National Defense Authorization Act is disheartening and shows a poor relationship between Guam and the U.S. Government. 

Senators Eddie Calvo and Ray Tenorio also said their goodbyes and stated that they look forward to working with the 31st Guam Legislature from Adelup.



Bill No. 380-30 (LS) - Telo Taitague / V.A. Ada / E.J.B. Calvo / Ray

Tenorio / F.F. Blas, Jr. / F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act to amend §10306 of Chapter 10 of 5GCA relative to posting forms

and applications of government of Guam agencies on the internet.

Bill No. 381-30 (LS) - Telo Taitague / V.A. Ada / E.J.B. Calvo / Ray

Tenorio / F.F. Blas, Jr. / F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act to add a new Article 4 to Chapter 3 of 22 GCA relative to

employment leave for victims of violence.

Bill No. 428-30 (COR) - A.B. Palacios, Sr. / F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act to repeal and reenact Chapter 89 of Title 9 of the Guam Code

Annotated, relative to the Guam Sex Offender Registry.

Bill No. 445-30 (LS) - Telo Taitague

An acy yo add a new §4120 to Chapter 4 of 5GCA relative to requiring

government agencies to post their budgets on their websites.

Bill No. 477-30 (COR) - R.J. Respicio / J.P. Guthertz, DPA / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D.

An act to provide annual mammograms for women aged 40 and older who

are clients of the medically indigent program, when medically

necessary and as otherwise stipulated, by amending Title 10 GCA,

Division 1, Chapter 2, §2907.2. (a).

Bill No. 482-30 (COR) - J.P. Guthertz, DPA

An Act to add sub item (1)(aa)(2)(3) amend sub Section 43029(C) of

Article 3, Chapter 4, of title 4 Guam Code Annotated to establish an

open process in HEALTHCARE INSURANCE negotiations for employees and

retirees of the government of Guam and to add items (a)(b) and Amend

Sub Section 15102 of Article 1, Chapter 15, Title 22 GCA. This Act

shall be known as the 'HealthCare Insurance Transparency Act of 2010.'

Bill No. 471-30 (COR) - A.B. Palacios, Sr. / T.R. Muna-Barnes

An act to rezone lot no. 5, block no. 3, tract 172 Agricututral

subdivision of lot no. 10065 Mogfog, Dededo to Commercial zone "C",

for the purpose of constructing a multi-purpose community center for

public usage.

Bill No. 491-30 (COR) - v.c. pangelinan

An act to amend §26201 and §26202(e) of Chapter 26 Title 11 of the

Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Business Privilege Tax on


Bill No. 492-30 (COR) - v.c. pangelinan

An act to distribute additional COLA award payments for Certificates

of Claim issued and to authorize the sale of General Obligation

Promissory Notes for payments to "COLA" awardees in reference to

Superior Court case no. SP0206-93.

Bill No. 493-30 (LS) - T.R. Muna-Barnes

An act to zone the previously unzoned lot no. 165-R4 in the

municipality of Piti to Light Industrial (M-1) Zone.

Bill No. 494-30 (LS) - T.R. Muna-Barnes

An act to zone Apra Harbor Reservation lot F-12-1 and F-12-R1, in the

municipality of Piti, to Ligh Industrial ("M-1") Zone.

Bill No. 499-30 (COR) - v.c. pangelinan

An act to rezone Lot No. 14, Block 6, in the municipality of Santa

Rita from Single-Family Dwelling (R-1) to Multiple-Family Dwelling

(R-2) Zone.

Bill No. 481-30 (COR) - E.J.B. Calvo / V.A. Ada / T.R. Muna-Barnes

An act to exchange undevelopable lots within the Pigua subdivision

"Land for the Landless Project" designated in Public Law 25-181 with

other lots in Dededo.

Bill No. 486-30 (COR) - J.P. Guthertz, DPA

An act to repeal and reenact sub section 3401(D) and to repeal and

reenact sub item (A)(1)(2)(3)(C)(D)(E) and ad sub items (B)(1)(2) and

(M) to sub section 3401.1. of Article 4, Chapter 3, Title 16, Guam

Code Annotated relative to accessible parking in Guam.

Bill No. 485-30 (COR) - B.J.F. Cruz / F.B. Aguon, Jr. / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D.

An act to repeal and reenact Section 1514 of Title 5, Guam Code

Annotated, to authorize the issuance of government of Guam Limited

Obligation Bonds for the purpose of acquiring, constructing and

equipping an educational cultural facility, a community cultural

center and certain other projects that benefit Guam's tourism industry

and for the purpose of refunding government of Guam Limited Obligation

Infrastructure Improvement Bonds, 1997 Series A, and to approve the

terms and conditions of such bond issue.

Bill No. 498-30 (COR) - A.B. Palacios, Sr.

An act to amend subsection (c) of §8206 of Chapter 8 of Title 4, Guam

Code Annotated, relative to participation in government of Guam

Defined Contribution Retirement System.

Bill No. 149 (COR) – T.R. Muna-Barnes / F.B. Aguon, Jr.

An act to add a new Chapter 44 to Title 10 Guam Code Annotated

relative to the "Guam Beverage Container Recycling Deposit Act" and to

establish a Beverage Container Recycling Deposit Fund separate and

apart from all other funds within the Government of Guam, and to

require the confirmation of the voluntary cooperation of military

commands with the Guam Beverage Container Recycling Program prior to

assessment and collection of any beverage container deposit fees; to

add new §76220 to Chapter 76 Article 2 of Title 11 Guam Code

Annotated, relative to endorsement of beverage container recycling

redemption centers; and to state the effective dates of certain

Subsections of Section 2 of this Act.

Bill No. 462-30 (LS) - T.R. Muna-Barnes / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D.

An act to add new Sections 9 and 10 to Chapter VIII of Public Law

30-196 relative to providing to the Mayors Council of Guam a

continuing appropriation and an authorization for payments of prior

year obligations.

Bill 503 - An act to add a new section to PL 30-200 relative to expanding the borrowing ability of the Guam memorial hospital by including the authorization to also enter into revolving loan funds and direct loan.


Bill 478 - An act to facilitate the expeditious issuance of general operators drivers licenses, through the provision of off duty road examinations for license endorsements "A" class licenses, by amendingsubsection (uu) of 1102 of chapter 1, title 16 GCA.

 Bill 462- An act to add new section 9 and 10 to chapter VIII of PL 30-196 relative to providing to the mayors council of Guam a continuing appropriation and an authorization for payments of prior year obligations.
*Resolution 497- Relative to negating default approval of any administrative rules, regulations or plans submitted to I Liheslaturan between September 1, 2010 and January 3, 2011.An emergency bill that changes the language in the recently approved bill indicating "full faith in credit of GovGuam" and allowing the Guam Memorial Hospital to take out a loan.