Guam - A company operating an illegal dump near a local elementary school in Toto has failed to respond to concerns raised during an investigation conducted by the Guam Environmental Protection Agency. Time is up for Lujan's, as the 15-day deadline to respond was yesterday.

On June 28 the Guam EPA issued a notice of violation against the company. The NOV was as a result of a federal court ordered investigation into possible illegal dumps within a three mile radius of Ordot. During an EPA inspection investigators found an illegal dump about 400' wide and 60' deep. Lujan's did not have the authorized permits to store or collect solid waste, metallic debris and other junk on its property. Inspectors also found 101 55-gallon drums of oil and unknown contents stored there.

The NOV gave the company two weeks to submit a cleanup and disposal plan as well as a schedule of removal of the debris, instead they remain silent. Guam EPA Administrator Ivan Quinata said, "We need to talk to the attorney general - that's the next step."

Lujan's Towing and Auto Parts faces civil and criminal actions, including penalties of up to $10,000 a day for each violation.