Guam – Two men involved in a serious motorcycle accident in Yigo Sunday afternoon have been admitted to the Guam memorial hospital and are now in stable condition. According to police, the pair are reportedly part of the motorcycle group "Trix Seven One," who had just broke off from the memorial 9/11 ride. They were among eleven riders headed south on Route 9 by Machanaonao elementary school when the accident happened. GPD spokesperson officer AJ Balajadia says the
rider on the Yamaha , who is the 40 year old man that died from the crash, broke away from the group leading down route 9 when he turned back and collided with the two other riders attempting to pass a vehicle by entering onto the oncoming lane. Guam highway patrol has been activated to investigate the cause of the crash and interview possible witnesses. An autopsy will be conducted on the 40-year-old man Monday at 2pm.