Canto takes oath to sit as judge
by Nick Delgado
Guam - Confirmed unanimously last month by the Legislature, James Canto II can now sit on the bench as a Superior Court judge. During his investiture ceremony he was praised for his accomplishments. Governor Eddie Calvo also gave the keynote address saying he nominated Canto because of his superior knowledge of the law, and his commitment when handling legal work at the governor's office.
Family, friends as well as fellow attorneys, judges and justices joined canto today, as Chief Justice F. Philip Carbullido administered the oath. "Guam is my home and always wile be and I'm proud to be form here and that's why it means so much to me serve my island and her people as a judge," he said. "I feel equally blessed that I will also be serving the law and with deep respect for the institution of law one of meaningful ways that I can honor it is by administering the law of Guam honestly, fully, clearly and fairly as a superior court judge."
Canto takes over the position left vacant by retired judge Steven Unpingco.