Guam - Washington's most notorious lobbyist, Jack Abramoff, spent some time on The Buzz on KUAM Radio with Jess Lujan this morning. Abramoff briefly talked about his ties to Guam and the CNMI from a lobbying contract with the Superior Court and the CNMI's federalization to providing advice on how Guam might be successful in the future in obtaining war reparations and millions in Compact impact money.

He said he doesn't think either will become a reality without the help of a lobbyist, saying, "Ultimately it comes down to getting a kind of active effort in Washington, getting people out there who are prominent on your side and it requires unfortunately as far as you are in this current iteration of Washington, it really requires a smart strategically lobbyist because you're not going to have the resources probably that the Marianas did in those days, because their life was on the line."

Abramoff says the island will need to build an army of support in Washington to carry the water for Guam and take up our causes.

The former lobbyist, who is now on a book tour in the mainland, added that he believes obtaining independence or seeing any major political status for Guam will likely be very difficult given the security concerns about China.