Guam - Discussion on the Senate's version of the proposed 2012 National Defense Authorization Act continued in the nation's capitol today. Although senators haven't discussed John McCain's amendment that would cut up to $33 million in military buildup projects for Guam yet, they did discuss and pass McCain's amendment to establish a commission to study the United States' force posture in the Asia Pacific Region.

The amendment is now included in the Senate's version of the NDAA, which hasn't been passed yet. The Senate will continue discussions on the defense bill tomorrow. 

Guam Delegate Madeleine Bordallo believes the amendment is inconsistent with positions taken by the White House, State Department, the Department of Defense and the House. Bordallo says she recognizes the importance of preventing further delays to the military buildup and will work with her colleagues to ensure that Guam's interests are protected when the House and Senate NDAAs are considered in conference.