Japan releases EIS on Futenma
by Mindy Aguon
Guam - The Government of Japan has released the Environmental Impact Statement on the Futenma Replacement Facility. The deliver of the EIS to the Okinawa Prefectural Government has provided reassurances that progress is being made to resolve the issues surrounding the FRF.
Congresswoman Madeleine Bordallo says, "The EIS is an important step forward with the realignment of Marines in Japan. These steps by the Japanese government are important to showing their efforts to resolve political impasses in Okinawa and this important action builds on Prime Minister Noda's commitment to achieving tangible progress on a Futenma Replacement Facility."
Bordallo added that she remains committed to working with her colleagues and Department of Defense officials to ensure that the U.S. fulfills its commitments under the Guam International Agreement.