Guam - The weeks keep progressing for the Department of Public Works as it moves forward with completing several of the island's road projects namely the friction course material. DPW deputy director Carl Dominguez tells KUAM News that in two days, Hawaiian Rock will decide where they plan on laying a test strip for job mix formula for the friction course by the end of this month.

He said, "But now to finish off the project, we're going to need the friction course and hopefully we can get that resolved soon. I mean, the fact that Hawaiian Rock has been able to come up with an approved base course is very good sign for us, so we're optimistic."

The base course material laid out by Hawaiian Rock projects on Route 17 came back with positive results. The projects that are close to be completed and are just waiting on the friction course are on Alageta Street, the Barrigada tri-intersection, Route 4 from McDonald's in Hagatna, a small section on San Vitores Road in Tumon, and Route 2 from Agat to Umatac.