Aline Yamashita
Tuesday, July 3rd 2012, 12:04 PM ChST

Republican candidate for senator
Contact information:
- Village: Tamuning-Tumon-Harmon
- Treasurer: Ryan Arriola
- Phone: 648-3474
- Email: [email protected]
- Campaign site:
Senator Aline A. Yamashita, PhD, was elected in November 2010 to her first term in the 31st Guam Legislature where she serves as Assistant Minority Leader. She earned her BA in human services and early childhood education from Boston, Massachusetts' Simmons College in 1978; her Master of Education degree from University of Guam in 1981; and, her PhD in human development, with minors in education and early childhood education from Oregon State University in 1985.
Senator Yamashita is the proud mother of two sons, Ryan and Eric. Her parents
are educators Dr. Antonio C. Yamashita and Dr. Lorraine C. Yamashita. Her sister is University of Guam art instructor Dr. Velma Jean Yamashita. Sen. Yamashita has worked as a Guam public and private school teacher; University of Guam College of Education assistant professor and University of Portland adjunct; a consultant; Department of Education deputy director and curriculum and instruction associate superintendent; UOG Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service (Guam CEDDERS) program coordinator, where she facilitated the development and adoption of a Teacher Mentoring and Professional Growth Program through Project Hatsa, Guam's Teacher Quality Enhancement Grant; and, Guam CEDDERS training associate focusing on early childhood and family initiatives within the Health, Wellness & Prevention area.
Senator Yamashita currently sits as a member of eight (8) of the nine (9) Legislative Standing Committees, including:
• Committee on Education and Public Libraries
• Committee on Health and Human Services, Senior Citizens, Economic
Development, and Election Reform
• Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation
• Committee on Public Safety, Law Enforcement, and Judiciary
• Committee on Rules, Federal, Foreign & Micronesian Affairs, and Human & Natural Resources
• Committee on the Guam Military Buildup and Homeland Security
• Committee on Utilities, Transportation, Public Works & Veterans Affairs
• Committee on Youth, Cultural Affairs, Procurement, General Government Operations and Public Broadcasting
She has also been appointed Chairwoman of the S.A.F.E. (Sustaining Appropriate and Fair Environments) Subcommittee by Senator Adolpho B. Palacios, Sr., Chairman of the Committee on Public Safety, Law Enforcement, and Judiciary.
During her first term some of Senator Yamashita's notable accomplishments include, authoring Public Laws:
• 31-19 clarifying the Guam Board of Education as a policy board;
• 31-29 creating a Public Private Partnership for the management of the maintenance, operation and repair of DOE facilities;
• 31-62 giving statutory authority to the Early Learning Council;
• 31-100 creating a School Crime Stoppers program;
• 31-182 outsourcing drivers license road testing to alleviate the wait time for persons seeking to obtain a license and growing small businesses;
• 31-148 reducing the size of campaign signs for public safety and environmental consciousness;
• 31-108 to ensure that Guam laws are inclusive of all children and that they are equally afforded the privilege of an education;
• 31-118 to allow developers to either invest in local art displays or contribute into a fund that will be overseen by the Guam CAHA to foster the arts;
• 31-158 updating antiquated language in laws when referring to persons with disabilities, and ensuring all children are afforded the opportunity to receive an adequate education;
• 31-203 "The Teaching and Learning Communities Act" requiring DOE maintain an updated a 10-Year Capital Improvement Project Plan;
• 31-173 establishing the "Guam Forestry Legacy Act" for the protection and conservation of natural resources; and,
• 31-220 to ensure a Department of Administration review to streamline process for personnel rules and regulations.