Guam - In the last year, the U.S. Postal Inspector has seized hundreds of grams of crystal methamphetamine that has been hidden in mail packages sent to the island.  The investigations have stopped drugs from making their way onto the streets and have prevented drug dealers from profiting big time.

Two search warrants unsealed in federal court today spell out a significant drug investigation that resulted in the confiscation of nearly $2 million worth of drugs.

In February the Drug Enforcement Administration's Guam office launched an investigation into Julian Robles who is believed to be a large scale distributor of methamphetamine on Guam.  The investigation resulted in the seizure of close to $2 million worth of crystal methamphetamine and the execution of at least three search warrants around the island.

In less than two months, the U.S. Postal Inspector seized 234 U.S. Postal Service first-class mail letters that were all sent from the Sacramento area in California to ten addresses in Guam including Agat, Santa Rita, Talofofo, Mangilao, Barrigada and Sinajana.

According to court documents, federal search warrants were obtained for all of the letters that contained between 16 to 20 grams of crystal methamphetamine that was placed in vacuum sealed plastic that was hidden within folded pieces of white Xerox paper.  That means authorities seized more than 3,200 grams of the drug Ice worth an estimated street value of $1.8 million.

DEA Special Agent Kirk Williamson submitted the application for the search warrant and noted that nearly all of the letters had legitimate return addresses and or logos from businesses in Sacramento including Wells Fargo, U.S, Bank, Chase, a woman's friend pregnancy resource clinic, Citrus Heights Vet Center and others.

Court documents go on to state that on February 28, Julian Robles and Vince Quitigua paid $3,300 cash each for their first-class round trip tickets from Guam to Sacramento.  They returned on March 18 and underwent secondary inspection.  Customs officers located stationary with handwritten notes that were seized from Robles' laptop bag.  The notes included P.O. Box or physical addresses in Guam and California with numbers.  DEA was able to link four of the P.O. Box numbers with some of those that were seized on Guam and found to contain crystal meth.  They also found several templates on the laptop for legitimate business establishments that had been used as return addresses for envelopes that contained the drug ice and were sent to Guam.

The feds case was strengthened when a cooperating informant provided information about alleged drug trafficking activities of Robles, Christopher Waki and Jovin Santos.  The informant told authorities that Robles and Santos would travel to california and purchase methamphetamine, then package the drugs and mail it to multiple addresses and known associates.  Once the drugs arrive on Guam, it allegedly would be taken to Robles' Santa Rita home where he distributed it to his associates to sell including Santos who had others in Yona and Agat distribute the drugs for him.   The drug proceeds, believed to be hundreds of thousands of dollars would be kept at Waki's residence in Talofofo rather than at Santos' home in Baza Gardens.

On May 1, authorities executed search warrants in three locations at Santos' home in Yona where authorities found numerous firearms, Waki's home in Talofofo and Robles' home in Santa Rita.  The warrant on Chalan Kindo Street led to Robles' arrest.  During an interview Robles admitted to purchasing between 50 to 100 pounds of the drug Ice from sources of supply in California in the past two years and distributing it in Guam.  Robles told authorities that he had purchased eight pounds of meth from a man identified as "Junior" during an April trip to Sacramento and two pounds from a woman he identified as Diana Martinez. 

Robles provided cell phone numbers for both individuals and the DEA obtained federal search warrants to determine the location of the phones.  Those warrants were obtained in May and the information was tracked up until last week.

While court documents mention Robles being arrested and others being implicated, there are no public records as to anyone being charged in relation to this ongoing drug investigation.