Calvo signed budget bill with reservation
Guam - Governor Eddie Calvo signed the substitute FY2013 budget bill into law late Friday, but did so with reservation. In his transmittal letter to lawmakers, Calvo, said the substitute version is not balanced, adding there is an over appropriation of about $1.4 million over the adopted revenue level. Governor Calvo also criticized the legislature for not providing solutions on how to address the 145 million dollar shortfall for refunds due in FY2013. In his transmittal letter the governor also talked about his omnibus fiscal reform bill of 2012 and how to date he has only received one senatorial request for additional information as well as forecasts and models the administration used to determine the projected savings. He noted how ironic that the legislature wants spreadsheets and models for his spending cuts bill but didn't require such information when it decided to increase survivor benefits by 20-percent which will cost the government an additional $64 million annually. Calvo adding the increase was passed without a single public hearing on the measure.