Fishermen, divers, snorkelers wanted
Sunday, March 24th 2013, 2:14 PM ChST
by Krystal Paco
Guam - If you're a fisherman, diver, resident or former resident of the Piti and Asan area, the Division of Aquatic and Wildlife Resources needs you. Resource information and education officer Jane Dia says a conservation survey starts this week to get feedback on the Piti Bomb Holes to better understand the community's feelings on the marine protected area.
"With this data it will be analyzed in about May and June and that turns into an awareness campaign," she explained.
Dia says they're hoping to get 400 residents to take the survey, 100 of which they hope to be fishermen. Those who take the 30-minute survey will receive incentive bags. To schedule a one-to-one interview call 735-3982 or email Dia at