GFS Group steps in to help DoDEA
Monday, August 25th 2014, 8:44 AM ChST
Guam - Local food services contractor, GFS Group has stepped in to help the Department of Defense Elementary and Secondary Schools (DDESS). The local company was approached by DDESS last Friday to provide ala carte style lunches for the DoDEA Schools on Guam beginning Monday, August 25th.
According to a press release the emergency procurement comes on the heels of DoDEA receiving notice just late last week that its current food services contractor would not be able to fulfill its contract for this school year.
“GFS is pleased to be able to fulfill the lunch needs of the DoDEA students through an emergency HUBZone procurement”, said Dave Alcorn, Vice President of GFS. “Having managed this contract in the past, we are very familiar with the operations and have spent the weekend preparing to start operations first thing Monday morning.”
GFS Group will provide ala carte services throughout the week as its folds into a longer-term contract for the remainder of the school year.
“While we will be offering a limited ala carte menu for this first week of school, we will be fully prepared to engage a full USDA compliant meal services program when full performance is required.” said Alcorn. “The most important thing right now is making sure that the students are fed.”