Island honors, remembers those fallen in service of their country

Flowers and family members of the fallen could be seen at the Guam Veterans Cemetery and Asan Park today as residents honored those who served and paid the ultimate price to defend our country. Joint Region Marianas Commander Rear Admiral Shoshanna Chatfield said on Memorial day, she honors all the fallen, and those she served with, including a friend who died here in Guam almost a decade ago.
"He didn't get out, and that's what we say in my community when someone is lost in the aircraft, in the water, they were not able to get out of their seat. And for Christian Hescock, who didn't get out, I remember you today," Chatfield announced.
Over 2 million brave souls have laid their lives down in defense of our nation's freedoms. "And they have done what we have all taken an oath to do, to support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic," she said.
Today we honor their sacrifices and also continue the fight to ensure future generations will live in freedom.