Nearly 100 sex abuse lawsuits have been filed against the Church.  

Late Thursday afternoon, five more cases were filed in the District Court of Guam. 53-year-old R.W.J., 50-year-old P.P.R., and 58-year-old W.E.T. all allege they were molested by Father Louis Brouillard. P.P.R. goes into detail saying that aside from being exposed to the priest naked as well as naked swims it the river, the priest would molest him in a room behind the Church altar. The priest would tell the young boy that it was what God wanted him to do and that it was a sin if he didn't do as Brouillard asked.

50-year-old N.P.J.D. and 48-year-old B.B.J. allege they fell victim to former priest Father Raymond Cepeda, who was ultimately defrocked. N.P.J.D. alleges the priest would get him alone in a room, lock the doors, and hug, kiss, grind, and grope him. On another occasion, the priest unzipped his pants and performed oral sex. B.B.J. alleges Cepeda molested him at his grandmother's funeral. On their way to the grave site, Cepeda allegedly touched the boy's thigh. Initially, B.B.J. thought this was to provide him comfort at his time of loss, but then the priest reached for his privates. All five plaintiffs are represented by Attorney David Lujan.