GFD responding to report of smoke at GMH
Several patients in the Guam Memorial Hospital’s Telemetry Ward were moved after smoke was reported on the third floor. GMH CEO Peter John Camacho says a transformer in the area shorted affecting the hospital’s mechanical room located on the third floor. Camacho said smoke was seen and units from the Guam Fire Department were called immediately and were still on scene as of 8:30pm on Friday. Camacho adds that OR has finished all of its cases and the Urgent Care Facility has closed as a precaution. Additionally the hospital is on “divert” which means all ambulances that would normally roll into the ER are being diverted to either Naval Hospital or the Guam Regional Medical Facility. A Guam Fire Department fire truck and three rescue units are on the scene. Witnesses tell us visitors to GMH smelled burning and after a fire alarm sounded GMH personnel asked all visitors to go outside.
A crowd of 20-30 people has gathered at the front of GMH and KUAM confirms a second GFD fire engine has just arrived on the scene. Story is developing.