And another one: the latest anonymous letter being sent to media and making the rounds on WhatsApp comes from men and women in uniform serving in the Guam National Guard. The six-page letter first mentions an Office of Complex Investigations National Guard Bureau command climate survey conducted to "determine the validity of the transition report" issues by the Leon Guerrero/Tenorio administration.

The administration's report said guard morale was low, there was a lack of women in senior leadership and sexual harassment, favoritism and a "hostile work environment" were the norm in the Guard. The letter says "we suspect the OCI report will invalidate the transition team's report and will also identify problems with the current leadership and the hostile work environment they have created."

The letter goes on to detail alleged problems with two "off-island" hires Adjutant General Esther Aguigui hired shortly after taking over as TAG. The letter says Colonel Kory Gacono and Lt. Colonel Tasleen Panton were hired over "more qualified and seasoned officers" and that both officers "lack leadership and experience required for their positions and have demonstrated a self-serving attitude toward the soldiers and airmen who call Guam home."

Colonel Gacono is Aguigui's Chief of Staff and LTC Panton is her director of personnel.

The letter further alleges Gacono abused his authority by launching several "haphazard investigations to intimidate and threaten" soldiers and airmen. It details the letter of reprimand and reassignment of a sergeant who "never saw the results of the investigation" and wasn't represented by a lawyer or union. And according to the letter, this isn't the only case ... "mass reassignments have created a dysfunctional organization characterized by a significant decrease in productivity, morale and a lack of focus on our primary mission."

The letter also said that Aguigui and Gacono "directed a young sergeant to go into the Army database system to change their mandatory removal date" in order to "avail themselves of a federal benefit."

It also alleges Gacono directed Panton to make changes to and update the Guard's standard operating procedures for hiring and retention - changes the writer of the letter says and in "violation" of federal policies.

It also said the Guard is no longer a "merit-based organization" and that Command Sgt. Major Agnes Diaz said "we are looking for talent and we just don't have it on Guam" when trying to justify the hiring of personnel from off-island. "her statement is offensive to our soldiers and airmen and shows a lack of trust and respect the current senior leaders" of the guard have towards their subordinates, the letter said.

Lastly, the letter calls out excessive travel by Aguigui, Gacono and Diaz. "Their excessive absence contributes to the lack of any substantial guidance to the force, nor has their travel contributed to any real growth or positive change" for the Guard.

The anonymous letter is the latest in several that have been sent to island media. Letters from employees at the Guam Visitor's Bureau and the Department of Corrections have made the rounds.

Guard public information officer Major Josephine Blas acknowledged the letter and said the Guard would have a comment on it today.