Governor to front $11 million in federal stimulus payments

Thousands of people have been waiting in line for food, thousands more have either been laid off, furloughed or have seen a reduction of their work hours as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. Today during her media briefing Governor Lou Leon Guerrero announced that checks could be in hands of Guam's most vulnerable by this time next week.
"I can report that Guam has received IRS approval for the total estimated cost of $134.8 million of federal economic impact payments," said the governor on Facebook Live. Of that amount, Leon Guerrero plans to front at least $11 million in local money so that island residents hard hit by the virus can have some form of financial relief.
"Tax filers with adjusted gross income of $10,000 or less for Tax Year 2018 will receive checks in the amount outlined by the federal economic impact payments," she confirmed.
The administration estimates that the local advance will help more than 10,000 individuals and children with promises of reimbursement from the feds. Paying out the entire $134.8 million is something GovGuam cannot afford as its deals with the pandemic crisis.
"I am able to make this available now because of prudent cash management with expectation that such funds will be flowing back to Guam," she said. "There is no additional cash for new programs beyond this point."
The governor is hoping that the remaining $123 million in federal economic payments under the CARES package should be available in about two weeks. The one-time stimulus checks for individuals who make under $75,000 will be $1,200 and for married couples making less than $150,000 its $2,400.
Those who make more in either bracket are expected to receive less.