Adelup policy director Carlo Branch apologizes for media debacle

Adelup policy director Carlo Branch says he is responsible for the muting of the media at last Thursday's governor's press conference. Lieutenant Governor Josh Tenorio told KUAM's interactive talk show Containing COVID that he expected Branch and Adelup communications director Janela Carerra to apologize to the people of Guam and the media.
"I actually wanted to say to you, Chris, I think three groups of people are owed an apology," said Branch. "First and foremost is the reporters that participated in the press conference the fact that I gave an instruction, which resulted with them being cutoff of them feeling like their rights under the First Amendment were not respected is completely my fault. I should have given better instruction and I'm responsible for that.
"You know, the people of Guam deserve an apology because we can constantly point to examples in our history of people who work for the government and think they shouldn't be subjected to scrutiny and I never wanted to be one of those people and that's wrong."
Branch added, "Third, I extended my personal apology to the lieutenant governor and the governor and the lieutenant governor had the strength and moral fortitude to apologize to the people of Guam on the radio this morning the moment he was asked the question. The fact that I had to wait for reporters to ask me the question shows that I'm not as brave or forthright as he is. Those who serve the governor and the lieutenant governor have to serve them well. And that day was not one of my better days."
An apology by Carrera was not issued. Also, no apology from Governor Lou Leon Guerrero has been received as of yet.