At least $18M in rental, utilities relief coming for those who qualify

The recent aid package passed by Congress offers a rental program that will not have to go through the U.S Housing and Urban Development process. The Guam Housing Corporation in partnership with GHURA under the CARES Act received a grant of $714,000 which was projected to assist over 200 mortgage holders for up to three months.
"We know from the GHURA Ddrector that there have been at least for the mortgage relief a lot of barriers for people that should be eligible to receive funds but because they're likely getting PUA or they have other physical assets there's been some big delays that we're trying to address with our federal partners to try and really get the mortgage relief program into the hands that are needed," Lt. Gov. Josh Tenorio said.
The lieutenant governor reports that at the very minimum, there should be at least $18 million that will be available for residential renters for back rent and or utilities.
"Of course there are going to be so many eligibility requirements that are cooked in," he said. "We don't have those yet the Guam State Clearing House is analyzing that."
Guam will be opting into the program. More details will be provided at the next Office of Homelessness Assistance and Poverty Prevention.