Family of Guam native shot & killed by police in Texas seeks answers

A Micronesian citizen from guam, Rescue Eram was shot to his death by police in texas, his family is seeking justice and asking the community for help to bring his body home.
"They said it was 6-8 gunshots from behind," explained Mikenda Eram. The 31-year-old Rescue Eram was fatally shot earlier this month on April 10 by San Marcos, Texas police. Eram was a son of Guam, having graduated from Simon Sanchez High School in 2009, and he was a member of the Guam Rugby Team.
11 years ago he moved to Texas to pursue a career in nursing. Although it was all cut short when he was walking along Interstate 35... he was trying to cross the highway on foot and allegedly charged at officers with a weapon. His sister, Mikenda Eram does not believe this was the case.
"When I found out about the news, I read it on Facebook and it said that he was charging them with a knife in his hand, slashing motion. I believe at the time I read the news, it's not him. That's not my brother, because he wouldn't fight any police officials," she said.
"Also witnesses from the highway, they said that his hands were in the air like he was surrendering but then they shot him."

According to local news station, KSAT, a new release from the city stated that officers attempted to detain Eram, and officials said he was holding a weapon that appeared to be a knife that he threatened officers with. Further it was reported that he was shot by the police, and authorities administered CPR and died due to injuries. His death has lead to three separate investigations by the Texas Rangers Division by the Department of Public Safety, the San Marcos Criminal Investigation Division and an internal San Marcos Police Department investigation. As a result, two officers have been placed on administrative leave.
His sister tells KUAM that to date she has not been contacted by any san marcos authorities, and received information that they were looking for a next of kin through facebook.
She said, "It was other people that messaged me telling me that they needed the next of kin, that san marcos is looking for a next of kin for my brother. I called San Marcos how many times, for how many days and they never returned my calls, they never answered my call.
"I am also angry about this because why would they put them on leave, they should be in prison they should pay for this and we are looking and are seeking for justice."
Seeking justice for Rescue and also sharing this message to the San Marcos Police Department: "I am searching for justice, because my brother didn't need to get killed like that," she pleaded.
She believes her brother is a victim of police brutality and is demanding that the body cam footage and names of the officers be released.
"They used weapons, they used weapons because of his color. They killed him because of his color. I know that for sure, because he was a great man and right now he would be alive doing more great things," she said. "I just want justice for my brother."
"They need to pay for what they did because they shattered hearts everywhere, a lot of people love my brother."
Mikenda says all that knew her older brother, knew how caring and kind he truly was, adding, "It's just unbelievable and I don't believe my brother would ever do such a thing, because growing up he raised me, he raised all of and my siblings. He helped my mom and dad raise each and every one of us. And he would always tell us to be kind to others, he would show us kindness, too. Even some friends that he had in Texas they say the same thing, it's unbelievable. Gosh that doesn't sound like rescue at all."
And she shares this message to her brother, someone that she says was like a father and mentor to her: "I would say I am really proud of him, I am proud of my brother for everything he put out in the world, he helped others."
Rescue is remembered by his father, and four siblings. According to Mikenda their mother passed away last year, and he was unable to come home for the funeral service because of a separate case from November 2019 involving a traffic ticket that she says San Marcos placed him behind bars for over 90 days. He was indicted on tampering with physical evidence charges in connection to the traffic citation.
If you would like to help the Eram family in bringing rescue home you can visit their GoFundMe page.