Leon Guerrero considering reinstating PCOR4

Governor Lou Leon Guerrero says she is considering a return to Pandemic Condition of Readiness 4, or full normal conditions, as early as nine days from now. KUAM News spoke with her today at the World War II memorial event in Mangilao at the Hasso site, where she said we remain on track to reach 80% adult herd immunity by July 21, the Liberation Day holiday.
That's the target date for her "Liberating Guam from COVID" program.
"I am also looking into going into PCOR4, we're discussing that. That literally means opening up our island, but...I want it very clear in our media that I have never said that we will lift mask restrictions. I think mask is whats protecting us - masks and washing of your hands, like here you saw how they cleaned the podium and made sure that everything is sanitized before the next speaker. Just awareness like that," she explained.
She adds that even if we are a few percentage points short of the 80% target, she won't delay a pronouncement any further.
The applications for the much-awaited $800 All RISE payments will be available by July 31.
The governor says Rev & Tax is still working with programmers to ensure a smooth online process. "So, we're looking at maybe at the latest the end of this month. And I know that people are already lining up to get their certification as residents," she confirmed.
"I just want to let the people know that that is a requirement in the rules and regs. It says it must be certified by the mayor. Usually in other things, you have to prove residency you can use your utilities, maybe your voting, things like that. But the rules and regs as passed by the senators did not allow for that."
There's no timeline yet for the release of payments. The administration says its still waiting for final spending guidelines from the treasury department, which are due out by July 17.
The Guam Legislature passed a bill called the RISE ACT in December authorizing a local pandemic assistance program. The governor allowed it to lapse into law in January, but wrote in her transmittal letter that it was "tantamount to an empty promise" because funding was limited at the time.
But in May she announced a new "ALL RISE" program that expanded eligibility to Government of Guam workers.