Leon Guerrero on panel at National Governors Association summit

The National Governors Association is holding a summit on the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill. Governor Lou Leon Guerrero took part in a panel discussion today by a group of governors on the priorities for revitalizing infrastructure in their respective jurisdictions.
State leaders are gathered to share ideas about rebuilding highways, revitalizing power and water systems, and improving broadband access and cyber security. Governor Leon Guerrero joined fellow governors from Maryland, Louisiana and Pennsylvania in a panel discussion. "I have rolled out an Investment Para Hamyo, is what we call it, and it's a rollout of an investment plan using ARP, CARES Act and also targeting infrastructure improvements," Leon Guerrero detailed.
Her priorities were based on economic recovery, climate resiliency and on her signature project, a medical health care complex. "Which during this pandemic has shown us that really, our hospital was very fragile and we don't have the luxury of going to another state," the governor stated. "We are way out in the Pacific between Asia and the United States."
"And so we saw that medical aid, a very good state of the art medical complex will really put that investment back into the hands of our people."
She joined colleagues in praising the National Governors Association for its bipartisan support for the landmark infrastructure legislation, saying, "President Biden did say it's the state governors that are going to make this happen. And so I think that's a strength that we should all leverage, and I think NGA does a really good job in being, uniting all of us, and going forward not just to the white house, but to Congress."
And she also lauded their support one of the key features of the federal assistance programs, one that's been heavily debated in Guam, as well.
"NGA for me has been a strong driver and influence. Look how we were discussing the ARP, one of the things that we wanted was for the governors to have discretionary power over the ARP and that happened. And I'll tell you, my senators on Guam are very upset, because they cannot appropriate the $596 million that was given to us," she said.
The NGA summit continues tomorrow with more presentations on ideas for rolling out infrastructure programs.