It was last month when KUAM reported on an attempted kidnapping in Agana Heights where a minor girl was jogging through the village when she said a man attempted to pull her into his car multiple times. During the investigation, detectives determined that the girl's accusations were fabricated.

According to a complaint written to the Guam Police Department by a distressed mother, her son was identified as a witness in the alleged event.

During an interview with a certain police officer, the son claimed he did not witness any confrontation or struggle between the alleged suspect and the girl.

The complaint states that days later, the same officer contacted the mother requesting a second interview with her son which the parents declined.

According to the mother's letter, the officer wouldn’t take no for an answer as he allegedly harassed her through multiple phone calls, called her place of employment and asked to speak to supervisors and even allegedly went as far as showing up at her son's school. The assistant principal allegedly said the officer told her the mother gave permission for the son to be taken by GPD. Behind the parents' back, the officer allegedly took the son into custody at the Juvenile Investigation Center.

The officer allegedly claimed the charges against her son were Obstruction of Governmental Functions and Tampering with a Witness.

When their attorney called the Juvenile Division at the Office of the Attorney General and spoke to their division chief, the mother stated no one from GPD contacted anyone at the AG’s office regarding the son. The mother says she will be filing a civil rights violation lawsuit and submitting a complaint with the local FBI office against the alleged officer.

GPD Chief Stephen Ignacio told KUAM he did not yet meet with the mother but did receive her letter.

The investigation has been referred to the Internal Affairs Section.