Sunday evening at the KUAM Studios here in Harmon saw a celebration – primarily in announcing of the distinguished honor the GDOE Teacher of the Year, but also for the public school community at-large, having come through the challenges of the past two years with flying colors, unmatched resolve, and unwavering commitment to educate young minds, challenge students to achieve more of which they think they're capable, and to inspire them to be good citizens.

The best of the best – six GDOE teachers were previously named finalists, having backgrounds, instructional specialties and origins as rich and diverse as they classrooms they've made a home-away-from-home. And the culmination of last night's festivities saw a shy, humble 4th grade teacher with her roots in Guam's south be named the most-outstanding teacher, a title she now carries with her all her career – and all her life.

Stephane Concepcion, the pride of Talofofo Elementary School, is the 2023 GDOE Teacher of the Year, a revelation hat instantly brought her to tears and moved her to thank her fellow finalists and all public educators at all levels.

Additionally, Adacao Elementary School Gifted and Talented Education teacher Ceferino Duarosan, Jr. - himself a two-time finalist for Teacher of the Year - took top honors in the People's Choice Award.