Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints donates more than 300 wheelchairs for DISID clients

Stemming from the generosity of church members' pockets, 324 brand new wheelchairs were donated to clients of the Department of Integrated Services for Individuals with Disabilities. Leader and Member Support Coordinator for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Bill Davis expressed that generosity is just a part of their faith.

"We follow the two great commandments," he said. "One is to love God and the other is to love our neighbor as ourselves and one of the best ways we can love our neighbor is to be of service and to help them. Especially those who are less fortunate or have gone through various things in their life. This is just a small part of what we can do to help members of our community."
One recipient, Timothy Taitano was all smiles when receiving his new wheelchair as his previous one was completely worn down.
"People were donating me second-hand wheelchairs and now I have a new one and it’s very soft and comfortable," he said.

The wheelchairs have been well thought out as they come in multiple sizes and extra cushions for comfort and are also durable in Guam weather conditions. According to Deputy Director of DISID, Michelle Perez they’ve never seen a donation quite like this.
"It’s a great donation that came from the Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and DISID has not had such a generous donation in at least a decade. Three hundred twenty-four wheelchairs wheelchairs is really a gift to all of us not just DISID but all of the other agencies and nonprofits that we’re going to provide all of this to," she said.