New census data reveals population profiles for Guam, CNMI
The ethnic makeup and economic landscape on Guam and Northern Marianas is drastically changing. New data from the 2020 U.S. Census details the numbers in island areas.
The U.S. Census says the pandemic impacted the quality of detailed, social, economic, and housing data for Island Areas. However, data released overnight paints a clearer picture of the makeup of Guam and the CNMI.
153,836 people are on Guam. The largest "race group" is Pacific Islander at 83,368 - 63,035 of whom are Chamorro. Followed by 66,194 who identify as Asian -- 54,242 of whom are Filipino. The median household income in Guam is $58,289.
They additionally found that 16.8% of families in Guam are experiencing poverty. Homeownership rose to 52% and the average household size in Guam fell to 3.44 this year.
Over in the Northern Marianas - 47,329 people live in the Commonwealth. The largest "race group" is Asian at 25,011 -- 17,719 of whom identify as Filipino. Followed by 23,795 who identify as Pacific Islander -- 17,163 of whom are Chamorro. The median household income in the CNMI rose to $31,362. 33.7% of families in the NMI are experiencing poverty. Homeownership is at 28.3% with the average CNMI household size at 4.15 this year.