Final legislative session will consider Guam Heartbeat Bill
The stage is set for deliberations on the controversial Guam Heartbeat Bill - pro-life legislation that would ban local abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected. This comes on the heels of a highly-charged U.S. Supreme Court ruling earlier this year that overturned the landmark Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion nationwide. The issue has drawn similar deep divisions on Guam, as well.
Guam Heartbeat Bill sponsor Senator Telena Nelson wasted no time in moving to place her bill on the agenda. The deliberations and possible vote will come in what will likely be the final session of the lame duck 36th Guam Legislature.
During its public hearing, there was overwhelming testimony against the bill, but there's also been deep-rooted support against abortion especially since the late senator Elizabeth Arriola's law to ban it was passed in 1990. A court ruling halted enforcement of that statute, but Nelson's new legislation has reignited the fight.
"Bill 291-36 received eight votes to be placed on the session agenda, the motion carries," it was announced.
Voting in support of adding the bill were Nelson, along with Senators Tony Ada, Frank Blas Jr., Joanne Brown, Chris Duenas, Amanda Shelton, Telo Taitague and Jose "Pedo" Terlaje. Against were Senators Sabina Perez, Clynt Ridgell, Joe San Agustin, Therese Terlaje and Mary Torres. Vice Speaker Tina Barnes and Senator Jim Moylan were absent.