Guam Army National Guard adopts park on Saipan, welcomes new recruits

The Guam Army National Guard expanding its footprint in the Marianas, adopting a local park here on Saipan as part of giving back to the community
The Commissioner Joaquin S. Tudela Community Park in San Vicente Village was adopted by the Guam Army National Guard over the weekend, they're now its official stewards in collaboration with the Saipan Mayor and CNMI Youths Affairs Office.
RB Camacho, Saipan mayor was on hand for the ceremony.
"This is a landmark for the National Guard for our young generation to see the National Guard and in the future they can be enlisted," he said.
The National Guard is the first to take part in the new mayor's "adopt a place" program, where he encourages the community to take the initiative to clean up. It also marked the critical relationship between Guam and the CNMI.
Major General Esther Aguigui, adjutant general of the Guam National Guard also was on hand for the event.
"This is a safe place for our children to play, learn, grow, and explore," she said. "I see an investment in our future generations, which is really what this day is all about."
The event was part of a weekend visit to Saipan to recruit more soldiers. More than a dozen soldiers live on Saipan, serving under the guard.

And its two newest members, Jose Quitano and Vincent Taitano took the oath of enlistment at the park, ready to serve and join the project.
"This is something that will be beneficial for the community and most especially our kids who are going to grow and watch and be inspired by the things that we do," Taitano said. "Better opportunities, newer beginnings for me"