The Obispos community were subjected to a late-night alert. Classes canceled today after a social media post claiming to shoot up a Sinajana campus got the attention of local authorities.

Late this afternoon, police were able track down a 14-year-old student who allegedly admitted he got the images on the Internet and reposted them online.  The teen is being held at Department Youth Affairs for terroristic conduct and unsworn falsification.  In the midst of the chaos, some parents drove up to the campus unaware it was closed.

Police are now investigating to find out if the threat was real. Still, some parents drove up to the campus unaware it was closed. Empty hallways and closed gates is what Tuesday morning at Bishop Baumgartner Memorial Catholic School looked like following threats of gun violence.

The school community was alerted to it around 5pm monday. The threat was posted on social media and parents only getting the email notice after midnight. But, some parents missed the notice, showing up tuesday morning with their children dressed uniform, ready to go to class.

"I just realized because usually it’s mom bringing the kids to the school," explained Artur Abramishvili, who was one such unaware parent.  His 7th grader, Arina, sat in the car beside him.

He only learned what was going on after speaking with KUAM outside of the school grounds.

While Arina asked if the threat was some sort of a game online, her dad was much more direct, saying, "That is scary. I don’t know how we can work with this right now. "

Another parent, who asked not to show her face or say her name, was stunned when she drove up expecting to take her son to class. "Of course, we were thinking something is wrong. (Student) More time to study for tests," the parent said.

Despite, the frightening situation, her son still showing excitement that school was out for the day. The parent continued, "Gives him more time to study. Of course we are concerned about the kids too but not knowing ahead of time. I think they did email us but I just didn’t check my email. Just to know about it now, or course, we are scared and we are like what is going on. We need to know because we are concerned about our kids."

For now, the Guam Police Department are investigating the case as a terrorizing complaint to track down a suspect. Guam Homeland Security/Office of Civil Defense officials are aware and monitoring whatever information comes their way.

Also reacting to the incident, Sinajana mayor Robert Hoffman told KUAM News, “It is very unfortunate. When we heard about it we immediately sent messages to the principal and spoke with the president, Mr. [David] Duenas.  We offered our offices assistance in any way we can and join them in prayer for peace.”

Duenas reassured the Obispos family “they are taking all necessary temporal precautions to prevent violence’ in their school community."