The Saipan Chamber of Commerce is hosting its first economic forum Wednesday amid the commonwealth's financial deficit in local and federal funds. 

A standing-room-only audience listened to industry leaders and government heads on the state of the economy and tourism. Currently, tourists from South Korea comprise 80% of visitors to the Marianas with the remainder from Japan. 

Gloria Cavanaugh is the acting chair of Marianas Visitors Authority 

"Due to the strong dollar Korea travelers are more attracted to other destinations where they can get more for the won and due to higher fuel prices and lower yield compared to non-U.S. destinations airlines are hesitant to add more flights to the Marianas at least for now," she said.  

It was announced that Asiana Airlines is pulling out of the Marianas in March as the aircraft is used in other markets, but they may return at the end of the year during winter. Also of major concern is Chinese tourism given current geopolitics and lingering travel restrictions.

Alex Sablan sits on the board of directors for the Saipan Chamber.

"We believe that the big driver will be China as it has been presented by virtue of the fact that China just opened 20 countries to tourism promotions," he said. 

Industry leaders also discussed the potential direct flights from Australia that are still in the works.