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Contraband crackdown inside CNMI prison

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In the CNMI, the new Department of Corrections Commissioner Anthony Torres conducted random pat-downs in an effort to protect the public and prevent contraband from penetrating the prison.

"What I am doing with implementing this with the staff authorized to pat down incoming and outgoing staff.  it is random," he said. "It happens. I do not expect the public to understand why I am doing what I am doing, but I am within policy. I do want them to know that i am subject to it as well."  

He says it happens across all ranks. KUAM witnessed the pat downs on a brief walk through the prison's main corridor. 

"I am committed to this role to do what I need to do to root out the individuals who are still choosing to make those bad choices," Torres said. 

The pat-downs started a month ago and they haven't found contraband. Torres also brought in K-9 dogs unannounced and has assigned lieutenants and captains to every shift for the 180 inmates. 

"I have inherited some of the past issues that I am dealing with to the best of my ability but moving forward I can assure you and I can assure the public that I am doing my best to make this a better and a safe place," Torres said. "For all my staff with the inmates included."

That includes also creating more activities within the facility, including bible study, contact visiting, and community improvement projects. 



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