Who will be the next president at the University of Guam? We get to know the three finalists ahead of the decision. Today, we're sitting down with Dr. Mary Okada.
She's no stranger to the education scene, as Dr. Okada, one of the candidates up for the presidency of UOG. As a graduate of the instutition herself, leading comes naturally - Okada currently serves as the chair of the Guam Education Board. She's also the first female and longest-serving president and CEO of the Guam Community College.
With more than 16 years in higher education under her belt, Dr. Okada says it's her wide set of skills, that she says, makes her the right fit. “One of the strengths that I have currently to offer the iniversity is, of course, in the fiscal arena. I have very extensive relationships both locally, both nationally, and at the federal government. So as president of GCC, I have been able to navigate and nurture those relationships," she explained.
Relationships she says she plans on tapping into to expand educational opportunities for students and upgrading the university’s physical footprint. That along with using her fiscal expertise to address issues like tuition hikes.
Okada also has her eyes set on pursuing opportunities at the university’s doorstep, and bolstering support from uog to the community and the region.
“Reach out into our region of Micronesia to offer the same educational opportunities that are available to residents here on Guam because it helps to strengthen the capacity of not just Guam, but our region’s economic stability, as well," she said.
UOG is coordinating a meet-and-greet event with the two other applicants - UOG senior vice president for academic and student affairs Dr. Anita Borja Enriquez, and Attorney Legene Quesenberry.