Governor Leon Guerrero returns from major investment summit

Governor Lou Leon Guerrero is just back from the SelectUSA Investment Summit hosted by the U.S. Department of Commerce. The event drew some 1,200 investors from more than 70 countries to connect with state and territorial officials. The governor was part of a panel that discussed pandemic recovery infrastructure spending.
She remarked that Guam needs even more federal funding to complete other planned projects. GEDA also set up a booth that drew strong interest from Asian investors, who pledged to visit Guam to look for opportunities.
"We as a community need to make sure that we are an investor-friendly community," Leon Guerrero said, "and so we need to look at legislation that would be much more accessible for investors to come and invest their moneys here. They'll bring millions of dollars, they'll bring jobs to our people and also increase training for our people, and more importantly we are going to be able to diversify our economy."
The commerce department says the SelectUSA Investment Summit has directly impacted more than $80 billion in new U.S. investment projects, supporting over 60,000 jobs across the U.S. and its territories.