CUC, CHCC reach payment agreement in CNMI

CNMI governor Arnold Palacios told KUAM Monday evening that an agreement was reached between the Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation and Commonwealth Utilities Corporation over a new repayment plan for the over $50 million in utilities and penalties owed by the hospital.
“We did it,” Palacios said. The governor met with CUC and CHCC leadership separately this afternoon to broker a deal.
Hospital CEO Esther Muña told KUAM, ”We agreed to pay $525,000 per month starting this Friday and the terms are for one year.” The hospital originally agreed to pay just over $200,000 of its monthly bill.
She added that after a year, “We hope that by then, there is remedy to the exorbitant water rates for CHCC.”
When asked if the hospital is still seeking a commercial rate for power and water, Muña said, “Absolutely. That's been our concern that when the CHCC was created, this option was not given to the CHCC.”
CUC board chair Janice Tenorio also confirmed the news, saying that meetings today “went well.”
Muña and Tenorio were not able to provide a copy of the memorandum of understanding as of press time.
The agreement averts power and water disconnection at the hospital.