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CNMI readies for military medical mission in July

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CNMI Operation Wellness is set to take place in a matter of weeks. Over 136 highly trained medical military personnel will be boots on the ground in Saipan, Tinian and Rota to offer services at no cost.

Over 130 highly trained medical personnel from the military will have boots on the ground in the NMI in July to provide services ranging from dental to veterinary as part of the Innovative Readiness Training program.

Maj. Samantha Madsen, CNMI Wellness Mission Project Manager, said, "It matches community needs with the opportunity for the military to come in and do some of the training to fine-tune and hone our skills."

The mission is supported by the Air National Guard, U.S. Navy, and the U.S. Air Force. Over 20 medical personnel will be on Rota and Tinian with the remainder on Saipan.

Col. Hugh West, CNMI Wellness Mission Commander, said, "Ultimately what we do is we en mass an array of our highly trained medical personnel that come here to do more fine-tuning in their skillsets when they get here. It is kind of a double win for the community because our folks get to train in everything that we do."

Their visit this week was to finalize the plan with huge demand expected. "We are doing some estimates based on what our providers can manage based on a reasonable possibility of let’s say 15-20 minutes per person."

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