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"He is not a bonafide resident of the CNMI, more specifically, not a resident of Rota….in this case, weeks, months, years, and possibly a decade have gone by where Mr. Jorgensen is nowhere to be seen," former CNMI Senator Pete Reyes said.
Attorney Bruce Jorgensen's appointment to sit on the Commonwealth Ports Authority board representing Rota was questioned by Reyes at his Senate confirmation hearing. A petition against his nomination was submitted to the Senate, also calling into question his ties to the islands.
Those appearing for public comment overwhelmingly defended him.
CNMI resident Gloria Cavanagh said, "It is because of the talent. Can you find somebody that has better experience? Can you find somebody that has a better background on Rota that would represent the Rota people…I would like to see that person."
Jorgensen first came to the CNMI in the 1980s, working for the Rota mayor, and continued to live in the Marianas periodically up to today. He shared that he’s only ever voted in the Rota election since then.
Bruce Jorgensen told Senators, "I have 38 years of connection. I lived there [on Rota] off and on…my son has land holdings there. He is hoping to build me a retirement home there. I would be living there now if I would be able to do so. But under the current situation, it is just not possible."
Senators in the committee threw their support behind him, but his confirmation in the full Senate is uncertain with a slim Independent and Democrat majority.
Rota Sen. Donald Manglona said, "[You are] a nominee that I can stand behind…I also have spoken to business owners on Rota, small business owners, who are struggling, who apparently know who you are and have expressed support for your nomination."