KUAM.com-KUAM News: On Air. Online. On Demand.Saipan hosts 42nd Annual Flame Tree Arts Festival

Saipan hosts 42nd Annual Flame Tree Arts Festival

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It’s one of the most iconic events in Saipan. 

"The people of the Commonwealth have a long and rich cultural heritage whose tapestry includes promoting arts, traditional crafts, visual arts, and literary arts," CNMI Gov. Arnold Palacios said. "And the Flame Tree Arts Festival is a premiere platform in the region that showcases the amazing and impactful works of our people, our community, and our visitors as well."

The 42nd Annual Flame Tree Arts Festival showcased the region’s best artists over the weekend on Saipan. Creatives from across the Marianas gathered to display their craft.

Tyler Warwick, a co-founder of the Galuti Club, told KUAM, "It feels good, it feels great. Even though it is kind of small this year, we still went all out this year…this year we have been preparing since last year."

He added, "We are very happy, very proud of the arts council for having this, providing space for us to come out and share our artwork with the community….to show everybody our culture is still alive."

 It’s 17-year-old Fanai Staffler’s fourth festival where she’s shared her creations. 

"I think it is number one the lack of jobs for younger people. Also, I like to create really beautiful things," she said. "I want a space that is inviting to people when they come to festivals and a place where you can find a reasonable price and sourced jewelry from the islands."

And she has this to share with other young aspiring artists: "Not every time is going to be a hit. Not every time is going to be the same. But when you see people wearing your stuff…it does really make you smile inside."

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