Angel Sablan steps out of retirement to head Dept. of Parks and Rec

Former Mayor’s Council of Guam Executive Director Angel Sablan has come out of retirement to head the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR).
“I’m still young. I'm in the prime of my life at 68 years old!” Sablan said.
Sablan was hoping to go into full retirement when he gave his 30-day notice to the council last month.
His final day was on December 1st.
Sablan shared, “But when I got a call that [asked] are you still willing to serve the people of Guam? The public service blood in me couldn’t say no.”
He’s since accepted Governor Lou Leon Guerrero’s appointment as the new Director for DPR and is set assume his position on Dec. 18.
“I accepted the offer because I think there’s still some good in me that I can provide the people of Guam and do some good for the Department of Parks and Recreation,” He said.
Sablan is no stranger to public service or Parks and Rec as he shared with us he was DPR’s Deputy Director in 1985, saying, “So I kind of know what parks and recreation needed then, but I'm sure it’s not the same thing now; it’s probably more.”
His 15 year tenure serving the Mayors Council will guide him in his plans for a new and better Parks and Rec.
“It’s because I can also work with them. They know me and I know them. And they all have parks and they all have recreation in their villages, so it makes just as much sense that I engage with them and make sure that our parks are upgraded and our recreational facilities are renovated, especially for our youth,” Sablan shared.
His priorities include working with village mayors, the Guam Visitors Bureau and the legislature to make sure public pools and parks are up to par.
“But yes the pool is one of them. It's been a long time coming and we need to get it going. I don't want it to be another Simon Sanchez, of which I'm also involved with, of it not being built,” He said. “Everyone says ‘oh we’re going to, we’re going to, we’re going to.’ no more ‘we’re going to.’ Let's do it and build it.”
Sablan continued on the subject, “I mean the parks–all of the major complaints from tourists are that the parks are dirty, the restrooms are not open. We got to change that image.
Sablan wants to make sure the recreation part isn't forgotten, especially for our youth.
“Each of these villages have a community center and can be used during the evenings, during the days, during the weekends. I still remember when we had ping pong in the recreation center. We had basketball, we had chess tournaments and things like that. I think we can still bring that back and make our kids have something to do instead of just roaming the streets,” Sablan expressed.
He'll be replacing Acting Director Warren Pelletier who will be the Deputy Director.
Meantime, he says the Mayors Council Executive Director position remains vacant for at least a few more weeks as they narrow down applicants.
Until then, Sablan ensures, “I will still come in and out and offer my help to make sure that everything doesn’t stop because I'm gone. I'm going to make sure that things still go on even if I have to guide them through it.”