Bank of Guam receives national recognition

Bank of Guam received national recognition after being awarded multiple MarCom awards.
Celebrating excellence in marketing and communications, Bank of Guam shined brightly as they competed against 6,500 other entries across the globe.
Our local bank was honored for the following campaigns:
Rebuild Stronger Every Day was a campaign that included all forms of communication from press releases, advertisements, and other deliverables in response to Typhoon Mawar.
They received Platinum in Integrated Marketing, Crisis Communications/Response, and Crisis Communications/Public Relations Program.
For A Vision from the Past. A Plan for the Future. (2022 Year in Review), this focused on annual reports where they receive a Gold award.
Hågatña City Run & Block Party received Gold in Communications Public Relations. And received the Honorable Mention award for Proud to Be Locally Owned for Integrated Marketing.
Senior Vice President & Chief Experience Officer Lesley-Anne Leon Guerrero commented,“The Bank has been a longtime champion of local talent and artists and we have been fortunate enough to work alongside so many within our community. Much of what we are being recognized for is a direct result of that collaboration and shared passion for our People the commitment we have to sharing their stories.”
“These wins are a huge testament to our team’s passion to developing campaigns and communications that genuinely connect with our people. These accolades inspire us to continue our pursuit of excellence in brand, marketing, and communications, while always striving to engage with our audience in meaningful ways,” added Joaquin P.L.G. Cook, President and CEO.
The MarCom Awards is sponsored by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP). It’s one of the largest, oldest, and most respected creative competitions.
Bank of Guam’s success in this field highlights its dedication to not only providing exceptional financial services but also to crafting meaningful and effective communication with the community and beyond.