13 village metal sign displays costs over $312k from tourist attraction fund

The Guam Visitors Bureau (GVB) is currently shelling out a total of $312,700 for village metal sign displays that have been popping up all over the island since last year.
GVB Vice President Gerry Perez said it’s part of a project to boost tourism through instant marketing.
Perez said, “You’d be surprised how many tourists stand in front of the signs and have their picture taken in this village and this village.”
From north to south, there’s a total of 13 signs so far to include Yigo, Ypao beach and most recently at Ipan, Talo'fo'fo’.
Many commented under our story on Jeff's Pirate’s Cove’s new look, questioning this use of government funds.
One comment said, “So my tax money went to a private business to promote their business.”
Another said, “Would have been much better to invest in natural beauty…and maybe keeping parks and public restrooms clean.”
“Is there a lot of work to do? Of course there is. Now I can’t speak to this bathroom or that bathroom, but in terms of priority, I think we’re spending the money exactly where it ought to be spent to improve product and to improve the destination experience,” said Perez.
He clarified the funding source for this project is the Tourist Attraction fund, separate from the general fund.
Perez said, “The tourist attraction fund is actually money that tourists contribute to. We have on the island an 11% hotel occupancy tax. That means every tourist that comes to Guam pays 11% hotel tax.”
KUAM asked more on the fund, “Just to clarify, it’s not coming from local taxpayers then?”
Perez replied, “No. Hotel tax.”
We also asked if this is the best use of funds.
“Absolutely, because it reinforces our ability to make the destination of Guam the product and not just Tumon Bay,” said Perez.
He said the village signs project has two main objectives: To encourage visitors to explore beyond Tumon Bay and to instill village pride.
Perez said, “I mean people in Hagat drive by and they see these signs in Hagat they take pride in and guess what? They support tourism because they can see firsthand what it's doing to its village. They see first hand that they are a part of the industry.”
The total estimated budget for the project is $400k.
The request for proposal was awarded to glimpses of Guam Inc.
The contract ends this September with the option of being renewed annually for up to two additional fiscal years.
GVB intends to ultimately have signs erected in every village.