Hafa Bean Owner Kristin Hofschneider-Taylor and her husband Luther took the risk and opened a new cafe after a pandemic over a year ago.

“Moving back to Saipan, we really didn't know how it was going to be,” said Hofschneider-Taylor.

But she said the risk was worth it and while they welcome everyone through their doors, they’re especially focused on serving locals.

She added, “I think it's super important that my husband and I focused on the local community because these are the people that are here every day.”

But building that community can be difficult amid a fiscal crisis.

Hofschneider-Taylor hopes small businesses can get more support in the uncertain tourism market, such as being promoted during major events like cruise ship visits.

It’s a struggle familiar to long-time business owner Steve Jang, the General Manager of Ete Cafe and Plumeria Steakhouse, just down the street from Hafa Bean.


“It's just the name of the game right now is to survive. You know, I'm very happy that I pay my staff. I'm very happy that I'm paying, you see. But if we want to change the dynamic of Saipan, there are certain things that we have to take in action as a government and as a whole community…such as the image of Saipan,” said Jang.

That image includes infrastructure projects that face major delays. He also is concerned about public safety and said there’s a need for heightened law enforcement.

Less than a mile away, Business owner John Lee with Cha Café, American Pizza & Grill and Hafa Adai Roasting Company, shared similar concerns.


He said lawmakers need to better communicate with them.

Lee added, “We have not had a single program from the COVID funds that have supported small businesses in every jurisdiction in the US, including Guam, have had some kind of small business support.”

He said they do their best to hire and train young locals, but they can’t do it alone. And major infrastructure project delays in Garapan do not help. 

“If there is no funding for it and the entire district, the heartbeat of Saipan is paralyzed, what are we going to do,” Lee asked.