Death by suicide is third leading manner of death in Guam


KUAM continues our coverage of the Office of the Medical Examiner's annual report, examining the details of deaths recorded in 2023, with a focus on the manner of death.

Death by suicide is the third leading manner of death recorded in the OCME's annual report, with  32 cases recorded in 2023.  The report showing younger demographics, ages 20-29 and 40-49, largely represented in the data.  

Dr. Jeffrey Nine, chief medical examiner, told KUAM News, “Pretty troubling to me is if you look at that page, if you look at the age range, we’re heavily weighted towards the younger people–29–less than thirty years old is kind of more heavily weighted in terms of suicide.” 

The report also indicates that 18 out of 32 individuals had substances such as drugs or alcohol present in their system at the time of their passing. However, it is crucial to recognize that suicide is complex, typically stemming from a multitude of underlying causes.

Yet, within this heartbreaking reality, experts are sharing a reminder that there is always hope–and that suicide is preventable. 

Therese arriola, Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center executive director saud, “The 988 is our suicide, mental health, behavioral health, drug addiction line for anybody who needs help. If you need help, call 988. We have professionally trained staff that can help you. You are not alone; you’re not hopeless; there is hope.”

That hope is present in other available resources, like GBHWC’s partnership with the University of Guam offering campus-wide suicide prevention efforts for college students–and programs for those experiencing substance abuse. 

 “Our New Beginnings program is here; we have a detox unit. Part of the detox unit is to detox you medically safely but also to getting the commitment that after the detox unit, you’re going to go to out-patient services," she explained.

GBHWC also offers suicide prevention training to help the community better identify those who may be struggling, in addition to an array of other services. 

If you or someone you know is in need of crisis support, help is just three numbers away. Call or text 988 to access GBHWC’s Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, or chat at


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