Saipan women’s gym creates safe space for transformation beyond exercise
It is not a trend. It’s a lifestyle.
Jocelyn Itibus, Owner, STR.N.G Gym, said, "I started STRNG, strength-n-growth, an all-women's gym. Just wanted to create a safe space for women to come and learn how to lift weights."
It’s a journey gym owner Itibus started at the end of her 12 years of teaching high school students. 3 years later, the mother of 6, continues to share her passion for lifting. She said lifting saved her life during deep personal trials.
"I want for others to feel this or to know that this could be something transformative and not just exercise," she said.
She trains up to 45 women across four sections at a time over six weeks, guiding them along that transformation, at the outdoor gym next to her home in Susupe.
"My biggest focus was to be able to share that transformative experience. Definitely wanting to create a healthy outlet because sometimes even just like the smallest want to try something new is enough to get someone started and then as the journey progresses, they kind of discover like the bigger pieces that come with taking care of yourself. There's definitely a lot more room for the ladies to be open and not ashamed or not feel pressured to have to get things right the first time or not to make mistakes," she said.
She says she hoped to break down old ways of thinking when it comes to fitness and build new approaches that encourage growth and progress.
"One of the first goals that I that I came in starting with was being able to equip ladies with just enough to pursue their fitness journey on their own," she said.