Concerned Catholics of Guam donates $10K to aid seminarians

The Archdiocese of Agaña received a big boost in its efforts to form new priests for Guam.
The Concerned Catholics of Guam donated $10,000 on Friday to help the Office of Vocations and the formation of new seminarians.
Officials said the funds will help pay for tuition costs related to the formation of two seminarians at Saint Patrick’s Seminary & University in Menlo Park, California.
CCOG President David Sablan; Vice-president Andrew Camacho; and Treasurer Gerry
Taitano presented the donation to Apostolic Administrator, Father Romeo Convocar; Delegate of the Apostolic Administrator, Father Mike Crisostomo; and Director of Vocations, Father Richard Kidd.
“We are very grateful to all members of the Concerned Catholics of Guam for their generous contribution and strong support of our vocations program. The care the group has shown for our archdiocese and assistance its many members have provided in different ways has been invaluable,” said Romeo D. Convocar. “We see the fruits of their kindness for example, in the three newest priests we were blessed to ordain in 2020. Their donation today not only helps our young men bound for the seminary, it will benefit the entire church in the future.”
CCOG’s previously donated $20,000 which benefited Father Ron Pangan, Father Junee Valencia, and Father William Mamangun while the three were still seminarians studying at Saint Patrick’s.