Attorney General promotes criminal deportation initiative

A get out jail free option for convicted felons comes after Guam’s Attorney General Doug Moylan reached out to defendants inside the Department of Corrections prison.
Letters were sent to attorneys of at least 30 defendants.
Moylan said, “There is a greater than not effort that we need to get these alien non-US citizens out of our community. Stop paying for them at our prison that’s getting overcrowded right now and then to free up beds and give us time to build the expansion.”
The list includes two cases for manslaughter, two for attempted murder, about 13 for criminal sexual conduct, at least six for aggravated assault, along with others with convictions for theft, home invasion, drug possession, burglary, assault on a peace officer and indecent exposure.
The AG said this does not mean their sentence has been commuted.
“We are going go before the courts and apply to the judges and respectfully requesting that in the interest of justice that both defendants, attorneys and AG’s office seeks to have them deported through ice. They are not just going to be released to the community. ice will be waiting for them,” said Moylan.
Additionally, he requested to judges to issue a bench warrant after they are deported…
He added, “We are protecting the victims and future victims from these individuals. They will be taken out of Guam and we can move on to using our resources to housing some other citizens that we need to keep at the penitentiary.”
It’s an effort DepCor Director Fred Bordallo supports, saying, “It’s a legal process he is going to be involved with in coordinating not only with federal authorities concerning the deportation of the non-US citizens and inmates but he will also be coordinating with their attorneys too.”
The AG is alerting all non-US citizens in the prison interested in the criminal deportation initiative to contact their attorneys or call his office at (671) 475-3324.